5 (More) Reasons You Are Not Affording a Private Luxury Jet

Many people assume they are not able to purchase certain things because they don’t earn enough money. If I only earned a little more, I could afford renting or buying a private luxury jet, they say. Affording such an aircraft has less to do with how much you make, it is how you treat money in your daily life or business.

The list of reasons you may not afford a private luxury jet does not end at 5. Not being patient, having bad habits, being financially afraid, relying on others to handle your money, trying to become rich in one day. Here are 5 more possible reasons you are not affording a private luxury jet:

1) You feel too important

If you think you deserve a certain lifestyle, have certain things and spend a certain amount of time only enjoying yourself, you will become financially unstable. This state of mind will keep you away from building wealth and affording that private luxury jet.

2) You forget about diversification

One of the oldest pieces of financial advice is to not keep all your eggs in a single basket. Diversifying your investment portfolio makes it much less that your wealth will suddenly disappear.

3) You lack positive thinking

While your business does not necessarily need to be your utmost dream, find reasons to enjoy it! If you are doing it just for the money and do not have any passion, you will probably spend all the profit trying to get rid of the stress or depression.

4) You avoid learning new things

You may have assumed that once graduated from college there is no need to continue learning. Such an attitude might be enough to say goodbye to that amazing private luxury jet you dream about. Willing to learn in order to improve your financial career is essential! Our life is a never ending experience. You must learn something new every day.

5) You fail to take advantage of opportunities

There has probably been more than one occasion when you heard about someone who has become a millionaire, bough that amazing aircraft from a private jet company the next day and thought to yourself, “I could have also done that”. There is a multitude of opportunities if you have enough passion and will to keep your eyes open.