Finally – The Audi S7

Are you an Audi fan? If you are, then it does not amaze us as there are many Audi fans throughout the world. You will be able to find Audi fans in the United States of America, India, Canada, United Kingdom, and Germany and many other places. Where ever you go, we guarantee you will come across at least one or two Audi fans. Speaking of the upcoming Audi, we would like to take the time to tell you about the Audi S7. Within this article, we will be telling you about the popular car, which we guarantee is going to blow your mind.

We speculate that this wonderful car, which is more than a toy will be coming out early in 2009, but for all of you individuals that are looking for the convertible version of this vehicle, we are sorry to tell you this, but you will have to wait about a year before you are able to purchase it. We believe it could be well into the year 2010, before you will be able to get your hands on the convertible. However, you know what they say, sometimes, we have to wait for the better things to come along and that is exactly what we have been doing with this beast.

This car manufacturer is going from offering twenty three different cars to a total of forty cars. On the lineup, you are going to come across soft-roaders, new coupes and don’t forget about those sedans. This beauty has already been announced and the Q5 will be soon to follow. If you like the S7, then you really does have a true taste for power and style. This is because this upcoming vehicle is going to have everything from the power to the style, which we know you will enjoy.