Patek Philippe Is a Leading Brand of Luxury Watches

In this modern era, a wristwatch is not only used for knowing time, but it has also become a status symbol. Watches came into existence in sixteenth century as a modification of spring powered clock. Modern day watches not only show time but also have calendar in them to display. Wristwatches are worn on personEUR(TM)s wrist and are tightened with the help of watch band. The watch bands are made of nylon, leather and ceramic etc.

Watches are classified on the basis of their movements such as mechanical movements, tuning fork movement, electronic movement and radio controlled movement. Spring is used as source of power. Self winding springs are also present. Nowadays watches are run by batteries or by electronic power. Time is displayed in the form of analog or digital. Analog display includes time shown by two hands, one for hour and other for minute. Sometimes, another hand which is used to display seconds is also included. Digital display includes LCD screen in which time is shown in digital format.

Some watches show date, day and alarms etc. Patek Philippe watch is an expensive watch available in market these days. Experts agree that these watches are one of the finest timepieces in the world. First Patek Philippe wristwatch was made in 1868. The person who started to make these watches was Antoine Norbert Patek. It was manufactured first in Geneva. Patek created one of the most complicated watches which had 33 mechanical complications. The watch was able to add extra day to February during leap years.

If you own a Patek Philippe watches, then you are considered as wealthy person as these watches are auctioned in millions of dollars. There is also a museum In Geneva displaying the watches of this brand. It has always produced watches that have functions which no other watch in market has. In the year 1989, the company celebrated its 150th anniversary by making Calibre 89. The Caliber 89 is one of the complex movements ever made. The Caliber 89 has a total of 33 complications which includes date of Easter, a celestial chart which can depict the night sky and a split second chronograph for the measurement of time in split seconds.

It takes up to four years to start creating a Patek watch. Its production process lasts for nine months. Some more complicated categories of Patek watches takes up to two years. Then the company takes six weeks to three months in testing each product it manufactures. The company uses best material, technology and movements. The company produces less watches as it give more emphasis on quality rather than quantity. Patek Philippe is a well known name in the world of luxury watches.