What Makes Patek Philippe Different From Other Brand of Luxury Watches

Wrist watches are worn these days as a status symbol. Many rich individuals prefer to wear luxury wrist watches. It tells about their bank balance. If we go into history of wrist watches, we find that Patek Philippe made the first wrist watch in 1868. Earlier people used to tell time by looking at the position of the sun. Later on, with advancement in technology, clocks came into existence. As the time passed by pocket watches were developed. Wristwatches were mostly worn by women as an ornament whereas men used to keep pocket watches. During World War 1, soldiers realized that it is difficult to see the time from pocket watches as both of their hands were busy in battle.

So the need of men’s wristwatch aroused. These watches were round in shape. Patek Philippe was the first to introduce a rectangular shaped watch. It manufactures one of the best timepieces in the world. These watches were started by Polish watchmaker Antoni Norbert Patek in Geneva. If you are wearing a Patek Philippe watch, then you are considered as rich individual. There is also a museum in Geneva honoring the valued timepieces. There are various processes required in making a watch. It requires right material, current technology and a reliable movement. A watch of this brand excels in all of these three departments. The company has employed world’s best craftsmen to manufacture its watch. It employs best of jewelers, engineers and engravers.

Patek Philippe is the first to introduce new technology in watch making. It manufactures more part for a watch than any other company does. It manufactures parts such as small wheels, cogs, screws and bracelets. The craftsmanship of the company cannot be matched. The company invented famous stem winding and hand setting mechanism. This concept is still used today. In the year 1989, the caliber 89 was made to celebrate company’s 150th anniversary. The caliber 89 is a most complex movement ever made. The caliber 89 has a total of 33 complications. It includes the date of Easter through the year 2017.

The process of manufacturing Patek Philippe watches, takes up to four years of research and development. Production process takes a minimum of nine months. The complicated watches can take up to two years. Over the years, it has made a name for itself in the luxury brand of watches. It manufactured world’s first calendarwristwatch which also tells about leap year. The company made the wristwatch which could be wound and set by means of a crown. Nowadays all mechanical watches have this feature. The watches are accorded Patent No. 58941 for slipping mainspring. It allows for winding of two or more mainspring barrels. This technique is the foundation of all future development of self winding mechanisms.